What We Do

ND Packaging has the know-how and production flexibility to create the perfect corrugated packaging solution for your business.

Corrugated sheets?

No problem.

Commercial or consumer packaging?

Can do.

Retail-ready packaging?


Production efficiency?

Let us help.

Inventory reduction?


Business solutions?

We are here.

Untitled design

We will exceed your expectations

ND Packaging’s talented design staff will engineer applications that enhance your supply chain and business performance. Our production team operates a corrugator equipped to produce high-quality single or double-wall board in the proper flute and paper weight for your packaging application. We recognize that your packaging must perform efficiently at your facility, be damage free through your supply chain, and market to your customers. Our sensitivity to the importance of your requirements means our converting equipment is capable of producing multi-color, visually appealing packaging, setting you apart from your competitors.


We will deliver your order on-time, every time

Your time is our time. We understand that your business depends on us to deliver to your dock when you request. Your packaging shipment is prioritized based on your demand requirements. Your needs are anticipated by our dedicated and experienced team members. Your business cycles and seasonal needs will be used to minimize packaging inventory, meet changing demands and improve your business’ performance. We measure ourselves based on our rapid response and how we add value to your business. We recognize that today’s supply chain is erratic. To ensure we meet your unexpected needs, we are equipped with flexible capacity. We are committed to respond, regardless of the ask.

We will provide a sustainability advantage

At ND Packaging, a focus on sustainability is embedded into everything we do. Our corrugated products offer many advantages over other types of packaging.

  • Corrugated is renewable. The papers used to produce corrugated packaging are manufactured from wood-based fibers, a renewable resource.
  • Corrugated contains recycled fibers. Our papers from ND Paper’s Biron Division are produced with 100% recycled furnish, ensuring precious forest resources are conserved.
  • Corrugated is lightweight. ND Packaging can use lightweight papers in your package design to help with source reduction initiatives.
  • Corrugated is reusable and recyclable. In many cases, packaging can be reused or recycled, which saves cost and resources.
  • Corrugated can advance the circular economy. ND Paper’s Biron Division operates a recycled pulping operation and utilizes recycled fibers in its paper production. Talk to us about your corrugated waste, which we can incorporate back into the supply chain.

ND Packaging will drive value for your business.

Our team’s varied background and expertise is available to help improve your business’ results. Our team will:

  • Audit and provide suggestions for improvement to your packing environment, your supply chain or your shelf presence
  • Ensure that you have your packaging in the right weight for cost, performance and protection
  • Maintain your inventory at your location or our location
  • Analyze your SKUs to drive package reductions
  • Evaluate your packaging equipment for optimum package performance
  • Always be easy to do business with